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Power Tools

Accelerate and enhance your approvals, security and BOM updates

Understanding Power Tools

GoSaaS Power Tools are a set of functionalities created especially for Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud to fasten and optimize workflow. There are 3 versions of this functionality: 

Workflow Manager 
It is used in assigning a particular change to particular users in a firm. The approval of these users is essential for the workflow.


Security Manager 
It is used to ensure that a particular item is visible to restricted personnel.


BOM Manager 
It ensures that the change orders with correct updates can be created to make mass changes in item structures.

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Why do you need GoSaaS Power Tools?

  • Configurable according to user’s needs

  • Automatically authorizes team members & security personnel

  • Saves time by being able to complete bulk operations on Item structures

Prerequisites for GoSaaS Power Tools

GoSaaS Power Tools, Workflow Manager, Security Manager & BOM Manager work with Oracle Product Development Cloud

How does it work?

Workflow Manager


Security Manager


BOM Manager


Ready to make a move to the Cloud? Book an appointment with us today!

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